Selasa, 12 Februari 2013

Doctor Repulsor Guide HoN

Hero Doctor Repulsor, is here! For all DotA players he should be familiar since hes a direct port of Storm Spirit. His skills revolve around electro-magnetism. He has a nuke, a stun, another nuke and a ultimate with which he can travel at ludicrous speeds and deal damage depending on the distance covered. Now lets take a deeper look into this hero. Skill overview
Magnetic Contraption The Doctor drops a Magnetic Contraption on the ground. Any enemies who come in a 235 range of the Contraption will cause it to explode after 1 second, dealing 140/180/220/260 Magic damage to all units in a 260 radius.

Good tool for farming, with a low cooldown (4s.). Damage dealt to enemy heroes is nice + that it will also trigger an Electric Frenzy attack. Keep in mid that this skill can be used in mid-flight during “Ludicrous speed“!
Opposite ChargesDoctor Repulsor instantly magnetizes the target enemy and drops a magnet on the ground. It stuns the target for 1/1.5/2/2.5 seconds and pulls them 100/150/200/250 distance towards the Magnet over the duration. Applies Magnetized (50% movement slow) to Doctor Repulsor for 3 seconds.

To be used as a disable somewhat like Electrician’s grip. Best used when ganking with an assistant because the 50% movement slow will limit its solo uses. The great part is that it triggers Electric Frenzy on next attack. It can also be used to pull an enemy closer to trigger a Magnetic Contraption.
Electric Frenzy – Every time the Doctor uses an ability, his pod reacts by charging itself with excess energy. This energy is released on the next attack, causing the attack to deal bonus damage and splash, zapping the enemies it hits. On attack impact, deals 30/45/60/75 Magic damage in a 300 radius. Units are Snared (-50 Attackspeed and -80% Movespeed) for .6 seconds.

Core skill on Doctor Repulsor. As a bonus for dealing damage to enemies with your skills you also get this free nuke on your next attack. Magnetic Contraption has a 4 seconds cooldown so when at full mana and not traveling long distances at Ludicrous speeds you can constantly nuke your opponent down.
Ludicrous Speed – the Doctor travels at 1250/1875/2500! speed towards the target location. Costs 10 + 1% of Max Mana per 100 units traveled. If mana hits 0, he stops immediately. Any unit passed through takes 8/12/16 Magic damage per 100 units already traveled. The Doctor is invulnerable during flight.

An improved version of Rampage’s charge. Can be used to charge target enemy, to travel fast to lanes and to escape from “dangerous situations”. Can be used to initiate, chase, escape and travel”
Skill Build
1 Magnetic Contraption (1)
2 Electric Frenzy (1)
3 Electric Frenzy (2)
4 Opposite Charges (1)
5 Electric Frenzy (3)
6 Ludicrous Speed (1)
7 Magnetic Contraption (2)
8 Magnetic Contraption (3)
9 Magnetic Contraption (4)
10 Opposite Charges (2)
11 Ludicrous Speed (2)
12 Opposite Charges (3)
13 Opposite Charges (4)
14 Electric Frenzy (4)
15 Stats
16 Ludicrous Speed (3)
17-25 Stats
Magnetic Contraption his a decent nuke with a fair mana const and a very low cooldown so you will want to spam it early on. It will trigger a zero mana Electric Frenzy, so getting some levels into this skill is more advantageous, even if the direct damage is a little less. Ultimate is too good to pass on when available, and next max out your Contraption nuke followed by Opposite Charges.
Item Build
You are a int carry with very! mana dependent skills. Staying alive is not a problem once you have your ultimate so you should fully concentrate on mana/mana regen items.

Steamboots are the aproppriate boots on him. You have all the speed you need in your ultimate so the extra attack speed and 10 int are more than enough.
Nuil Stone is core item on Doctor Repulsor. You will be getting kills and die very little so you will constantly have some charges providing you with the much needed mana regeneration. If you face in the opponent team a lot of single target disablers, a better option is a NullStone. You will not get the same amount of mana regeneration, but it will help more in staying alive.
Kuldra’s Sheepstick. Strangely enough the best counter item for Doctor Repulsor is also the best late game item on him. The disable is great, but it is priceless again for mana/mana regeneration. On occasions it can be replaced with Hellflower.

Frostfield Plate is another item that works well on him if you want to build him more team oriented.
Example of a Practical Build and Strategy
Starting Items: 1x Bottle, 2x Mana Potion, 1x Health Potion

You are a INT hero with a mana consuming skill (you will want to spam Magnetic Contraption), so you will need to take some extra Mana Potions.
Early Game: 1x Bottle + 1x Steamboots. the only type of boots that you will ever need on him.
Early game is about farming and harassing. Spam your Magnetic Contraption to kill creeps and harrass enemy with the following Electric Frenzy attack. They will have a hard time competing for farm with you.
Mid game: 1x Nullstone.

Now you have the mana to use your ultimate more often. Use it to initiate, chase, escape and travel to lane for some farm. Do not just zap into enemies from close by just because you can. The damage that you will do is not that great and for sure that mana will come in handy at other times.
Late Game: 1 x Kuldra’s Sheepstick. Greater mana regeneration, better stats overall and another disable mechanism.

Your role stays the same as in Mid game, with the exception that now you can use your ultimate more often. Keep in mind that it can chop down trees, so use it to give your team a means to surprise attack. Trouble getting to enemies hiding in the well? Destroy the forest behind the well and nuke them from there.

Nomad Guide HoN


  Known for a long time to be HoN’s secret hero, back in the beta phase, Nomad did not quite made it to the actual game. That has changed recently! Dust has bee blown of the graphics, new skills invented and here he is in full splendor. He can call Sand Storms at his whim to hide him and his allies, he is master of mirages, being able to create an illusion of himself. Traveling a lot brings great experience and… damage it seems, and as ultimate he will unleash the power of sand upon he who dares lay target on him.
Skill overview
Sand Storm Nomad summons a Sandstorm around him for 4 seconds. Allied heroes within receive 5/10/15/20% Movement Speed and invisibility. Enemy heroes within receive -5/-10/-15/-20% Movement Speed.

Somehow like Valkyrie’s ultimate this skill will make you and opponents invisible to enemies. The big drawback is that the opponents will see the sand storm moving and it will be way easier to spread, lay wards,  cast tons of AOE spells on you, etc. The short duration will not make it super useful for initiation (that’s because we live in a Portal Key world), but if used in the middle of a team fight! it will greatly disorient/cripple the enemy team. Since mana cost and cooldown, are both low it can be used at higher levels to move quicker from point A to point B. Similar, use the skill together with teammates when you start moving towards a far away target.

Mirage Strike– Learning Mirage Strike grants you True Strike and Mirage Strike, at 500 range, allowing you to confuse your enemies with illusions of yourself. Deals 60/100/140/180 bonus Physical Damage on impact. Cooldown is reset upon enemy death within 500 distance.

Let’s clarify the tool-tip first. Cooldown is 16/14/12/10 Seconds! the enemy death just makes your skill insta-available as a bonus. There are 2 version of this skill:
True Strike: Charges enemy at full speed dealing the bonus damage + True Strike will give you a 20%,40%,60%,80% attack speed boost for 3 seconds!!
Mirage Strike: Makes you invisible and sends out an illusion to charge at max speed at the enemy dealing also the bonus damage on impact.
Use True Strike to pound on the enemy and Mirage Strike as a harass tool / escape mechanism. As a rule of thumb on which one to use: If you think the enemy can stay away from you for 3 seconds (stun, cc, etc) then use Mirage Strike until you fool him to use that skill on your illusion. Otherwise use True Strike to charge as yourself and pound on enemy with the increased attack speed. Remember also that when you send your illusion, no one said you cannot also sneak up invisible on the enemy.
Wanderer – Gains a charge of Wanderer for every 10 distance traveled. Each charge grants your next hero attack .4/.6/.8/1% bonus damage, up to 40/60/80/100% bonus damage. Wanderer is discharged and used only when you have 20 charges. If you attack with less than 20 charges, 25 charges are added. Only works against heroes. (this makes sure you wont be using this for farming)

Although it sounds complicated, this skill at level 4 gives you [number of charges] in % bonus damage. And to not make you useless if you hold your ground with zero charges, it will give you some (25%) bonus damage every other strike. Illusions will not use up charges, but will benefit from the bonus modifier! This is the skill that will make you jump right away for + damage items. More on this in the the recommended items section.
Edge Counter – Enter a 1 second immobilized state. The first enemy hero attack or spell cast that impacts you will be nullified, and you will counter with a massive shockwave. The shockwave deals 200/310/420 Magic Damage and 2/2.5/3 second stun.

With this skill not on cooldown, enemies will think twice before targeting you with a spell or attacks as it can fire back badly on them. It will require some skill and proper timing, but the benefits are rewarding. A nuke and 3 seconds stun on multiple heroes is priceless in team battles, or when you are escaping enemies preferably chasing you in a line :).
Skill Build
When they’ve designed this hero, it seems like S2 did not do it with a specific role in mind. So what came up can be characterized as a harasser with good late-game potential.
1 Mirage Strike(1)
2 Sand Storm (1)
3 Wanderer (1)
4 Mirage Strike (2)
5 Mirage Strike (3)
6 Edge Counter (1)
7 Mirage Strike (4)
8 Wanderer (2)
9 Wanderer (3)
10 Wanderer (4)
11 Edge Counter (2)
12 Sand Storm (2)
13 Sand Storm (3)
14 Sand Storm (4)
15 Stats
16 Edge Counter (3)
17-25 Stats
This build focuses on maxing out harass damage from his Mirage Strike and Wanderer. If you have a very heavy oriented team get Sand Storm earlier because the extra movement speed difference between your team and opponents will benefit you greatly. That being said, get one level in Sand Storm for escaping, then Mirage Strike to harass the opponents out of your lane. Wanderer is next for more harassment, and ultimate is taken whenever available.
Item Build
You have a passive skill that boosts your damage percent-wise. So items that give you direct damage are a first choice.
Steam Boots can be used since you already have a skill giving max speed and unit walking. On the other hand Ghost Marchers give you a direct damage boost that will help with Wanderer and greater chasing power.
Helm of the Black Legion or Iron Shield will be needed for survivability. Iron Shield is to be preferred since it is cheaper and lets you work towards your damage items. HotBL can also be built instead in case of heavy harassment.

A very good item on him, will give some more survivability and will synergize with Mirage Strike to keep your pace up with your opponents.

Less armor = more damage. These will maximize the true damage from your damage bonus.
Notable items:

The insane attack speed that you will get from your True Strike ability combines well with a Nulfire Blade!
Example of a Practical Build and Strategy (this build will focus on making him an efficient harasser).
Starting Items: 1xMana Batery , 2x Minor Totem, 1x Runes of he Blight, 1x Health Potion

You will build towards a Power Supply for some extra stats, mana survivability early game. Nothing special here.
Early Game: 1x Power Supply+ 1x Iron Shield + 1x Ghost marchers
Early game is about farming and harassing. The second one is especially true for this hero. Use your Mirage Strike to constantly harass the enemy. Keep a close watch to the number of charges on Wanderer always, in order to inflict maximum damage. True Strike‘s attack speed can also be used for farming from time to time, but unless you have good reasons to waste that kind of mana, better concentrate more at last hitting.
Mid game: 1 x FrostBurn
FireBrand first! It will give you movement speed and agility.
In this phase you should roam with a ganker to support him with DPS’ing and chasing. Get involved in all team fights! Use your Sand Storm at the start of it to create confusion and DPS focus the same hero your team does. Keep you senses sharp for an opportunity to maximize the effect of your ultimate. A good 3 second line stun can turn a battle around.
Late Game: 1 x Daemonic Breastplate

Best late game item for Nomad. +60 Extra damage and it applies broken armor. What would you want more?
Your main role now is of second DPS-er. Good practice is to focus the same target your carry does. The minus armor and extra attack speed will guarantee a swift kill.

Bubble Guide HoN

Finaly the long awaited Puck port from DotA is here now, taking shape as an old and wise turtle. Being one of the most versatile heroes in DotA, with tons of interesting stuff to do with his skills he well deserved a port into HoN and S2 did a great job with that. He’s wide range of abilities makes Bubbles a good partner for almost any team lineup. He can Nuke, pseudo-blink, AOE Silence, AOE Stun and… Disappear :). Let us take a deeper look at his skills.
Skill Overview
Shell Surf – Bubble’s shell slides toward his opponents, damaging anyone it strikes in a 225 AOE for 70/140/210/280 Magic Damage. Bubbles may choose to teleport to his shell at any point in its journey.

Shell can travel a wooping 1800 range and if Bubbles will not teleport to it, it will return back to him. Enemy units will be affected only once by the orb, so no two times damage like Corrupted Disciples aura. This is his signature skill. He can use it for initiation (followed by silence or ulti, will wreak havoc in enemy’s lines), escaping (also into trees), scouting and ganking. Since the latest patch it will disjoint projectiles also!
Song of the Sea Bubbles plays a resounding note on his conch, dealing 60/120/180/240 Magic damage and silencing any foes in a 400 AOE for 0.1/1/2/3 seconds.

Very good skill! Damages and silences in an AOE for a fair amount of time. Best used in combination with his Shell Surf. Can also be a very good tool for farming up stacked neutral camps.
Take Cover - Grants Bubbles invulnerability to ALL! damage for duration of channel (0.75/1.5/2.25/3). Can be toggled to auto-cast by right clicking. When set to auto-cast, this skill will automatically be used when he takes non-DOT damage, preventing that damage from being dealt. The automatic use will not trigger if Bubbles becomes stunned or silenced.

Skill is priceless for escaping from dangerous situations. It grants you invulnerability for 3 seconds, and if you can hold on for an extra 3 seconds the cool-down will be up again for another use. Skill is best used together with his Shell Surf. You Shell Surf, Take Cover then teleport to shell and hopefully to safety. Speed of shell is 600 units/second so you will have enough time to escape to the maximum of 1800 Shell Surf range.
Kelp Field – Arcane seaweed vines sprout from the ground, at a 750 range, latching onto enemy heroes in a 600 AOE.  All enemy heroes in the radius take 100/150/200 Magic damage and are stunned for 0.5 seconds instantly. Spell will last for 5 seconds and if they move more than 600 units away from the center of the effect, enemies will be stunned for 1.5/2.25/3 seconds and take an additional 100/150/200 Magic damage.

Nice AOE ultimate and the cherry on top for you combo. Initiate with Shell Surf, follow with Song of the Sea then use your ultimate. Enemies will have to stay put or will suffer the consequences of breaking the “coils”. And the duration is so nice… 5 seconds, which is enemy panics can be extended to 5+3=8 seconds.
Skill Build
1 Shell Surf (1)
2 Song of the Sea (1)
3 Shell Surf (2)
4 Song of the Sea (2)
5 Shell Surf (3)
6 Kelp Field (1)
7 Shell Surf (4)
8 Song of the Sea (3)
9 Song of the Sea (4)
10 Take Cover (1)
11 Kelp Field (2)
12 Take Cover (2)
13 Take Cover (3)
14 Take Cover (4)
15 Stats
16 Kelp Field (3)
17-25 Stats
Skill build is pretty straight-forward. You level up your nice nuke/probe/pseudo-teleport first, followed by Song of the Sea and intend to use it to use them in combination. They will require a lot of mana, that you will not have in the beginning so do not use them too often for farming purposes. Next in line is your escape skill, and this one should e maxed out also, because th extra ~2 seconds of invulnerability will often be the difference between life and death. Ultimate should be leveled as soon as available.
Item Recommendation
or at least
Bottle! He has squishy life and uses a lot of mana for his skills. So having a Bottle, or at least a Power Supply will help with that,

Steam Boots are your boots of choice. Keep them on INT. You do not need others because you have a means to travel quickly into Shell Surf.

Frostfield Plate is a must on Bubbles. You get a nice INT gain and a much needed armor. Also you will have to Rambo in use all your skills and try survive long enough for the team to follow. since the enemies are silenced for 3 seconds, you will have to worry more about manual DPS, which late game can be a lot. The slow and attack speed reduction will help you with that.

Mock of Brilliance is a nice way to boost your AOE DPS. It comes at a hefty cost, but defiantly worth item to have on Bubbles. It will also work when you are Taking Cover!

Nullstone is a nice item not so much because of the spell blocking (you have your silence, but it will definitely help you get away from ganks), but for stats and mana and health regeneration that it gives. Tablet of Command is a cost effective item for the extra INT it provides and additionally can be used for pushing enemies out of your ultimate, forcing the “coils” to break and so to get them stunned.
Other items to note: If you are doing really, really well you can go for a Frostwolf’s Skull. It will give you some nice stats and a slow.
Items not to get!

They may seem like a good idea but other items should take priority on Bubbles. You have a good INT gain and helped by your Power Supply/Bottle you will be fine without a Ring of Sorcery. Cooldown for your ultimate is 85 seconds which is fair enough, and will not justify a Restoration Stone. Bubbles can be played as support, but because of his skills he will be usually apart from his teammates, so Astrolabe is better to be bought by other support heroes.
Example of a Practical Build and Strategy
Starting Items: 2x Minor Totem, 1x Pretender’s Crown, 1x Mana Battery, 1x Health Potion
You have lot STR and use a lot of mana, so Mana Battery/Power Supply will help you replenish those. You also will aim for a Talisman of Exile to give you some INT and stats boost.
Early Game: Power Supply, Talisman of Exile, Steam Boots
Early game is all about farming, but by being ranged and having 2 nice nukes, you can harass and attempt a kill on an opponent easily. Just keep in mind that you are rather squishy so play it safe. Whenever you Shell Surf to an opponent, to maximize its potential, do it over the enemy creep wave and land in the BACK of your opponent. In this way if he wants to run to safety he will have to go around you, allowing you to land an additional 2-3 hits.
Mid game: 1x Mock of Brilliance or Frostfield Plate whichever suits the game first.
if you focus on more DPS or if you need more survivability
Your role is as a ganker and initiator. You should always combo on your opponents: Use your Shell Surf from a distance, follow by silence and then Ultimate. If you have a Frostfield Plate use this one also. If your team will follow, you will most likely get and enemy and cripple some 2-3 other before they even put up a resistance. To speed up your farm, when attempting to take down a creep wave you can Shell Surf behind the mele creeps and use Song of the Sea to finish them off. $$
Late Game: Mock of Brilliance or Frostfield Plate both finished followed in extreme by a Frost Wolf’s Skull
Both and maybe followed by a
Your role remains pretty the same as in Mid game, shifting more towards a supporting disabler, because now you have to be more careful about your Rambo technique. If enemy has 2 caries, they will be able to DPS-u down rather quickly, even if they are shortly (0.5 sec) stunned and silenced.
Nice work from S2 adding to the ranks one of the most versatile hero in DotA.