Monkey King


HoNZhai presenting Guide on Monkey King. (First guide ever made)
Monkey King is a powerful Physical damage nuker with low cooldowns and high mobility also high roaming capability.
Monkey King can gank lanes with ease, killing single enemies in seconds and dish out high physical damage in clashes.

Hero Overview

Pros (+)
-High movement speed
-Good aoe spells with low cooldowns
-High mobility

Cons (-)
- Nuke has low cast range
- Low mana pool to support constant spamming

- Low health pool as monkey king needs to get into melee range to cast spell
- Bad stat gain, 2.0str and 2.0int per level as monkey king needs high health and mana pool

Skill Overview

Illusive dash
The Monkey King dashes forward, damaging enemies caught in his path. As long as he impacts an enemy, he may perform a second dash within a 2 second window.
Cast type :
Self, Instant cast
Target : Unit facing
Range : 300
Radius : 200
Cast time : 1.0 Second
Mana cost : 90. 2nd dash cost 0 mana.
Cooldown : 15/13/11/9
Damage : 10/20/30/40 + Attack damage as Physical Damage to all targets hit per dash.
Extra effects : Cut trees on its path
-Gains the ability to cast 2nd dash if an enemy unit is hit with the 1st dash.

Author's Note:
This spell's damage dosent scale well on level.
-Difference in damage on Level 1 and Level 4 is only 60Physical damage if dashes twice.
-This spell is well used on initiating or chasing down opponents.

Details: (Pictures Inside)


Extra Notes: Cutting trees will not gain the 2nd dash window.
-This spell does not have any disjoint properties.
-This spell cant dash over cliffs.

Heavenly Vault
The Monkey King vaults over a unit, jumping in front of it while knocking it backwards.

Cast type : Target
Target : Anything except Items and Courier. Runes, Wards can also be vaulted.
Range : 200
Landing Range: 300 on units. 600 on towers/ runes/ wards/ corpse (unit dies when casting vault).
Radius : 200
Cast time : 0.4 Second
Mana cost : 120. 2nd vault cost 0 mana.
Cooldown : 12
Damage : 100/150/200/250 Physical Damage to Targeted unit, 100/150/200/250 as AoE damage.
2nd cast- 50/75/100/125 Physical Damage to Targeted unit, 50/75/100/125 as Aoe damage
Effect : 20/40/60/80% tappering slow, recovers movement speed slowly within 2 seconds.
2nd cast- 10/20/30/40% tappering slow, recovers movement speed slowly within 2 seconds,
Extra effects : Gains the ability to cast 2nd Vault. 2nd Vault deals half damage.
Vault must be casted in 2 seconds or the window will dissapear.

Author's Note:
The signature spell of Monkey King. Also your most reliable source of damage.
-Vaut is used to displacing enemies and making monkey king very hard to catch as he fly around in the battlefield.
-This spell usually works in pair with Wan Jin Slam.
(Pictures Inside)


Wan Jin Slam
The Monkey King slams the ground in front of him, raising a mound of earth that disrupts enemies on both creation and destruction.
Cast type :
Self, Instant cast
Target : Unit facing
Radius : 200
Cast time : 0.2 Second
Mana cost : 80
Cooldown : 14/12/10/8
Damage : 60/90/120/150 Magic Damage per pulse. 2 pulses.
Rock implodes after 2 second.
Effects : 0.5 second stun per pulse.
Extra effects : Rock casted may be used to vault as buildings.
Author's Note:
This spell usually only deals 150 damage as the 2nd pulse is can be easily avoided.
-This spell works as a pair with Heavenly Vault to create combos.
Details: (Pictures Inside)


Nimbus Cloud
The Monkey King summons his trusty Nimbus Cloud when out of combat, gaining a large movement speed boost. He also passively reduces ability cooldowns by using abilities.

Cast type :
Cooldown : 5 seconds after last damage received.
Effects: Grants 10/15/20% bonus movement speed.
Nimbus cloud is cancelled by receiving any damage.
Extra effects : Passively reduces ability cooldowns by 0.5/0.75/1.0 second when the Monkey King uses an ability.

Author's Note:
This spell dosent reduce the cooldown on the spell casted, only reduces the other 3 spell's cooldown.
This spell actually synergises with all of your other spells. 5 second cooldown is finishly reduced after casting every single spell.
(2 Dash, 2 Vault, 1 Slam, 5 spells).