"Hey guys can you tell me which direction the Battle of Antietam is I think I'm a bit late."
I'm well-aware that this is the last hero most players think they need help with, but in fact, it's one of the most misplayed heroes in the game. This is perhaps the only hero that can go 10-0 and not contribute whatsoever to the team. Nearly every Scout I've played with and against has somehow managed to achieve an amazing kill-death ratio, yet has no useful items, and is still a piece of paper when he gets caught with a single disable. This guide is specifically for the discerning Scout player who wishes to forgo the kill-stealing aspect of the hero and become a true team player.
You are NOT a Carry
are not a carry. You do not need kills. You are picked solely for your
intelligence-gathering, ganking capability, and burst damage. All four
of you skills are designed to make you annoying, and you should make
your playstyle annoying.
Normally, you should lane in Top Legion or Bottom Hellbourne. Your ability to windwalk out gives you survivability--let your carry and a babysitter go bottom. Top Legion and Bottom Hellbourne also tend to be able to access runes the fastest--which is what you want to do.
Alternatively, if you are facing a weak lineup, you may go Bottom Legion or Top Hellbourne. This is because your lane mate will likely be able to fend for himself after you start ganking.
Picking a Lane
possible in low-mid tier games to solo mid due to Electric Eye and
Vanish giving you complete rune control. Vanish can be used to deny and
last-hit often if you have constant Bottle charges. On the other hand,
experienced players can bully you out of most last-hits and denies. A
hero like Soulstealer, for example, can completely destroy you in terms
of last-hits, especially if he bothers to spend the paltry 200 gold to
buy wards, forcing you not only to spend an Electric Eye to counter the
ward, but to run up to it and eat nukes. However, if you can
successfully solo mid, that means you're LVL6 while side lane heroes are
around LVL4. This makes you an excellent ganker. You should only do
this, however, if you have a teammate who is able and willing to take
over solo mid after you begin the gank phase.Normally, you should lane in Top Legion or Bottom Hellbourne. Your ability to windwalk out gives you survivability--let your carry and a babysitter go bottom. Top Legion and Bottom Hellbourne also tend to be able to access runes the fastest--which is what you want to do.
Alternatively, if you are facing a weak lineup, you may go Bottom Legion or Top Hellbourne. This is because your lane mate will likely be able to fend for himself after you start ganking.
Skill Build
1 Electric Eye 12 Vanish 1
3 Vanish 2
4 Electric Eye 2
5 Vanish 3
6 Marksman Shot 1
7 Vanish 4
Against weak lineup
8 Improve Dexterity 1
9 Improve Dexterity 2
10 Improve Dexterity 3
11 Marksman Shot 2
12 Improve Dexterity 4
13 Electric Eye 3
14 Electric Eye 4
15 Stats 1
16 Marksman Shot 3
Srs bsnss
8 Electric Eye 3
9 Electric Eye 4
10 Improve Dexterity 1
11 Marksman Shot 2
12 Improve Dexterity 2
13 Improve Dexterity 3
14 Improve Dexterity 4
15 Stats 1
16 Marksman Shot 3
Your attack damage output, while fairly high, is nothing compared to your spell-based burst damage. Improve Dexterity should therefore be an afterthought.
Starting Items
I cannot stress enough how important this item is to a good Scout player. A Scout is fast, flexible, and knowledgeable--the Bottle is the perfect item to keep him on the battlefield for as long as possible. Each single bottle charge should result in a hero either dying or going back to base for a heal. That's every 2 minutes, clockwork. You have to be on the ball about this. Check the Rune section for more information about this.
Runed Axe
If for some horrendous reason you've managed to farm so much that you can afford a Runed Axe, then by all means stack as many as you can. Cleave is affected by the backstab damage from Vanish, so you can actually do an extremely damaging, cleaving backstab to the entire enemy team.
I cannot stress enough how important this item is to a good Scout player. A Scout is fast, flexible, and knowledgeable--the Bottle is the perfect item to keep him on the battlefield for as long as possible. Each single bottle charge should result in a hero either dying or going back to base for a heal. That's every 2 minutes, clockwork. You have to be on the ball about this. Check the Rune section for more information about this.
Item Build
I strongly suggest Marchers as the only MS booster you get. Enhanced Marchers are a waste as you have Vanish. Post Haste is a huge waste because your mobility is already very high, though it's fine if you're nasty rich. Steam Boots are good if you are the team DPS, but again, most of your damage comes from spell-based burst, so it's best to get Marchers and focus on something else.
Codex is a popular build, but it's only good against certain heroes. If the enemy team has a Glacius or another glass hero, a Codex is a pretty good choice--however, it's an all-in choice, as it's expensive, and severely limits his late-game capability if said target manages to obtain a Shaman's Headdress or HP. If you're doing extremely well early on, it's advisable to buy a single level of Codex. In general, if you can Codex before 20 min, it's cool.
Soulscream Ring
You should fill your inventory with these. They're excellent for the price.
The preferred DPS item, the -armor effects amplify your backstab damage, making your initial burst damage even higher.
I strongly suggest Marchers as the only MS booster you get. Enhanced Marchers are a waste as you have Vanish. Post Haste is a huge waste because your mobility is already very high, though it's fine if you're nasty rich. Steam Boots are good if you are the team DPS, but again, most of your damage comes from spell-based burst, so it's best to get Marchers and focus on something else.
Codex is a popular build, but it's only good against certain heroes. If the enemy team has a Glacius or another glass hero, a Codex is a pretty good choice--however, it's an all-in choice, as it's expensive, and severely limits his late-game capability if said target manages to obtain a Shaman's Headdress or HP. If you're doing extremely well early on, it's advisable to buy a single level of Codex. In general, if you can Codex before 20 min, it's cool.
Soulscream Ring
You should fill your inventory with these. They're excellent for the price.
The preferred DPS item, the -armor effects amplify your backstab damage, making your initial burst damage even higher.
Runed Axe
If for some horrendous reason you've managed to farm so much that you can afford a Runed Axe, then by all means stack as many as you can. Cleave is affected by the backstab damage from Vanish, so you can actually do an extremely damaging, cleaving backstab to the entire enemy team.
Complete Playguide: Game Start
Buy a Bottle and go immediately to top river and place an Electric Eye
on the north ledge next to the rune spawn spot. Wait here until 0:00 for
the first rune. Grab it if there is one--if not, ping it to your team
and go back to lane and try to help block creeps.
Complete Playguide: Laning
Hang back until you're LVL2 and have Vanish. Once you have Vanish, you
can start going for creep kills and denies more aggressively. Do not be
afraid to use Vanish to last-hit--remember, Vanish backstab damage
affects allied creeps and buildings too, unlike DotA. At this point,
unless you have a very strong lanemate, it's useless to use Vanish to
harass, as it doesn't do enough damage by itself. Use it to get creeps
that would otherwise be denied, etc. Make sure you get the catapult
kills and denies with it, as they give more money and XP than normal
creeps. Every 2 minutes, take a look at your Electric Eye (you should
only have 1 right now) to see if the rune's there. If it's there, grab
it--if mid is weak, go gank, otherwise return to lane. Continue this
until you're LVL6. Alert your allies that you've reached 6, and will now
be ganking full-time.
Complete Playguide: Ganking
Double Backstab and Defensive Vanishing
a second Electric Eye on a ledge at the bottom river rune spot ASAP.
Gank mid and bottom. For mid, ask your ally to let him push a bit--once
he's off his side of the high ground, initiate the gank with a Marksman
Shot. The mid player should attack and nuke simulatenously to quickly
finish him off. At bottom, do the same thing--initiate with Marksman
shot, using Vanish if needed to finish off. If there is a low HP hero
tower-camping, you can go behind the trees on Hellbourne's super
neutrals to fire off a Marksman Shot. If this doesn't kill the hero, he
will surely run to base--Vanish right away and intercept him. If you
laned and ganked correctly, you should have a Codex very soon. Continue
until you do, and buy Marchers while you're at it. Continue to gank.
Place additional Electric Eyes near their jungle farm spots, especially
if their defensive lanes are neutral-pulling or jungling.
Haste: Pop this if Marksman Shot and whatever allied nukes used can't finish your opponent off. Use it to chase and finish.
Illusion: Grabbing a rune with Vanish on sets all illusions to Vanish. You can actually triple backstab this way. However, this means you can't Bottle it.
Regeneration: Pretty obvious.
Invisibility: Only get this if you desperately need Bottle charges. Otherwise, let an ally get it. Alternatively, you can use it as a getaway tool after a double Vanish backstab.
Complete Playguide: Team Fighting
and shadow the enemy team until you or an ally initiates. Target a weak
hero with Marksman Shot, Codex him, and Vanish/backstab if needed. If a
hero is EVER at all even a few steps away from the rest of his team,
target with Marksman Shot and pick him off with your team. If pushing,
you should use your intelligence-gathering to find a hero solo-farming.
Gather your team, gank, and then push.
Complete Playguide: Backdooring
If it's super-late-game, you are one of the best backdoor heroes. With
an excellent crit and evade, you can take down towers and barracks quite
quickly. Carry a Homecoming Stone, and move towards the target
buildings. Wait until there's no one there--the enemy team might be
pushing. Have your team defend on high ground and stall while you
attack. If the enemy team is pushing too strong, teleport back to help
your team. If they are failing, continue to backdoor until they return.
If you do enough damage, chances are they will rush back, and you'll
have foiled a push attempt and pissed them off greatly.
Rune Guide
Damage: THE best rune you can get. Pop this before hitting Vanish. Your
backstab damage out of Vanish will be affected by Double Damage.Haste: Pop this if Marksman Shot and whatever allied nukes used can't finish your opponent off. Use it to chase and finish.
Illusion: Grabbing a rune with Vanish on sets all illusions to Vanish. You can actually triple backstab this way. However, this means you can't Bottle it.
Regeneration: Pretty obvious.
Invisibility: Only get this if you desperately need Bottle charges. Otherwise, let an ally get it. Alternatively, you can use it as a getaway tool after a double Vanish backstab.
Electric Eye Placement
Check my ward guide here for general placement. Because
electric eyes have less sight range and can be killed if an enemy is in
the reveal range, you should adjust it slightly. Basically, place them
on ramps near neutral camps. It's also good to get one in on high ground
during a base push--this way, you can tell if they're clumping, or are
about to initiate (ie, with Behemoth blink). Placing one early on the
mid ramp can help your mid solo as well, since it gives sight on high
ground. If you have an ally like Devourer (or, if an enemy Devourer is
solo mid), that's invaluable.
Marksman Shot Details
When aiming with Marksman Shot, you should always place yourself in
such a position that you cover whatever escape route you anticipate them
running. At earlier levels, it has a long wind-up time--during this
period, if they escape into fog, it cancels. Therefore, wait behind
them. At higher levels, you'll want to stand fairly close to them--this
way, you can Codex and finish quickly. In ganks and team fights, you
should always fire Marksman Shot from Vanish--you are invisible until
the shot, and while this keeps you from doing a double backstab, it is
the most effective way to initiate. When chasing fleeing heroes, Vanish
and run ahead of the hero, then Marksman Shot to slow them enough for
your team to catch.A good Scout player never exits Vanish until he can Vanish again right after--always keep this in mind. However, to get some extra damage in, Vanish, wait til the cooldown is over, backstab, then immediately Vanish again and backstab again. While this makes you vulnerable, it gives you some extra damage against easily-killable heroes that can help Marksman Shot or an allied nuke finish.
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